Sunday, 22 November 2015

The Interview Wait

The wait after submitting an application is excruciating. You will most likely find yourself experiencing the following:

  1. Chronic email checking and refreshing
  2. Worry that your application was not good enough and whether or not you should have said something differently
  3. Chronic checking of forums to see if others have received any results. This is done in conjunction with #1 above
  4. Anxiety and deep down some jealousy (if you're being honest) when people start announcing on forums that they have received interview invitations and you haven't. This leads to more experiencing of #1 and #2
  5. Worry that no news means a ding...then more of #2
  6. Decline in productivity at work due to all of the above.
Well, unless the school releases invitations to everyone at about the same time like in the case of LBS. In which case the above applies for a much shorter period of time.

At the end of the long wait, I received invitations to interview from INSEAD and LBS - half the battle won! It was a ding from Yale. I wasn't too gutted about that though, as looking back Yale didn't really fit my key post-MBA objectives very well anyway.

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